Sourcing premium-quality stones from
around the world
We offer a diverse selection of various natural stones sourced and curated from around the world, including Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Our collection includes marble, granite, gabbro, limestone, quartz, slate, travertine, and more. Emphasizing durability and strength, we focus on rare and high-value stones not commonly imported to Japan, ideal for exterior walls and areas prone to water exposure.

Experience the beauty and luxury of natural stones through your kitchen.
Marble / Characterized by beautiful patterns, gloss, and a luxurious texture, maintaining its beauty over time.
Quartzite / Also known as quartzite, it offers a wide range of color variations depending on the composition of its components.
Granite / Known for its hardness and excellent durability, it features a robust texture and substantial feel.
Limestone / Formed from the accumulation and solidification of shells and corals in ancient seas, providing a solid and majestic appearance.
*Other options include gabbro, slate, and various other stone types.

We enhance the distinctive features of each stone such as durability, strength, presence, and the beauty of its color and pattern, applying the optimal finish tailored to its intended use and location. Through precise craftsmanship, we bring out the inherent charm of the stone, transforming its appearance as desired.

We offer a selection of natural stones suitable for various spaces in residential areas, including kitchens, bathrooms, washrooms, as well as exterior walls and floors. Our natural stone concierge service tailors recommendations to meet your specific needs and preferences.

We specialize in durable and strong natural stones ideal for exterior walls and water areas, focusing on rare and valuable stones not typically imported to Japan. Please inquire for more details.